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Saturday, January 14, 2012

We Have Been Studying

Sorry for the delayed blog update Josh and I have been studying 24/7 nearly; and of course spending lot of time, with our growing bean.

Family time Kova loves being read to and helping flip the pages:)

Teething and getting mad at her toys

here she is really mad at it, we are not sure why she does this but we love it

Favorite midnight snack and a great trick for teething

getting excited she loves to help hold her treats 

too cute

using her tiny toes as a tether 

Waiting patiently for her cereal 

Mouth full of food:) 

reaching for everything including the camera

helping mommy and daddy study

In loving memory of great great grandpa Charlie, your love will stay in our hearts forever!

reaching for those toes

Kova is getting so big! She is such a blessing in our life. I cant seem to quit telling her how cute she is. She loves just sitting next to ya talking and smiling. We are currently trying to establish a good night time routine easier said than done, its challenging to lay her down when she is smiling back up at you. 
Top 5 things we are grateful for this month:
1.Charlie's smile and stories
2.Helping mama hold her flash cards 
3.Kova beginning to laugh
4.NClEX review class and online PANCE class
5.1st time baby tried pudding:)

Have a great week and god bless

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